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🚧 This is WIP documentation for Nextra 4.0

<Cards> Component

A built-in component that allows you to display content in a visually appealing card format. It includes options for adding an icon, title, link and an image to related content.

Grouped Cards



Import the <Cards> component to your page, which includes the <Card> component.

Then, optionally import the icons that you want to use. To create a set of cards, follow the example below where the <Cards.Card> component is used to create a card and the <Cards> component is used to group multiple cards together.

import { Cards } from 'nextra/components' import { CardsIcon, OneIcon, WarningIcon } from '../path/with/your/icons' <Cards> <Cards.Card icon={<WarningIcon />} title="Callout" href="/docs/built-ins/callout" /> <Cards.Card icon={<CardsIcon />} title="Tabs" href="/docs/built-ins/tabs" /> <Cards.Card icon={<OneIcon />} title="Steps" href="/docs/built-ins/steps" /> </Cards>

Single Card

A <Card> not wrapped in a <Cards> component will not be grouped with other cards. This can be useful if you want to display a single card in a different format than the other cards on the page.


About Nextra


<Cards.Card icon={<BoxIcon />} title="About Nextra" href="/about" arrow />
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