Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework
with everything you love from Next.js .
Nextra automatically converts Markdown links and images to use Next.js Link and Next.js Image when possible. No slow navigation or layout shift.
[Learn more](/more)

<Link .../>
<Image .../>
Performant and reliable build-time syntax highlighting powered by Shiki .
Place your page files in folders specific to each locale, Nextra and Next.js will handle the rest for you.
MDX 3 lets you use Components inside Markdown, with huge performance boost since v1.
Nextra indexes your content automatically at build-time and performs incredibly fast full-text search via Pagefind .
Nextra respects system options
such as Increase Contrast and Reduce Motion.
You can leverage the hybrid rendering power from Next.js with your Markdown content including Server Components , Client Components , and Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) .
SEO / RTL Layout / Pluggable Themes / Built-in Components / Last Git Edit Time / Multi-Docs...
A lot of new possibilities to be explored.